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How To Apply Proper Breastfeeding So Your Baby Swallows Less Air

Breastfeeding colic can be caused by foods within the mother’s diet, especially in those instances in which the food under consideration causes an allergic reaction inside the infant. It can also be caused by an improper latch during feeding as well, however. Babies who do improperly latch on during breastfeeding can swallow excessive air, which in turn causes painful gas after feedings.

Colicky baby

- Yet colic persists, improper latch should be eliminated as a potential contributing factor, if diet is not an issue. Fortunately, there are a number of options will help you to reduce the volume of air your child swallows during breast feedings.

Colicky baby - The common consideration in all of these is whether or not your baby is properly latched on for the duration, even though there are several different positions you can use when it comes to minimizing the introduction of air during breastfeeding. If your baby takes very noticeable swallows, with pauses to breathe, it is very likely that he is getting enough milk to avoid the introduction of air.

Or pulls at the breast without getting much milk, you may need to help your baby to latch on properly, if your baby nurses fitfully. An infant who has breastfeeding colic may also need to be burped more frequently after feedings, simply to minimize any potential gas later in the evening. Search for these three signs that your baby has properly latched onto the breast:

If your baby is nursing with a successful latch, there will be moments when she needs to pause and breathe, versus constantly attempting to drink, Noticeable swallowing, with pauses for breathing -.

Good suction in the breast - i.e. your infant fails to randomly forget about the breast, and the breast does not drop out of her or his mouth during feeding

Ample time spent nursing - from 10 to 15 minutes each and every breast, dependant upon the infant

Definite emptying of your breasts during breastfeeding - if your breasts are not noticeably less full after a feeding, your baby may not be taking in milk, but air.

Your baby seems full after nursing - most babies will go to sleep after having a meal, and this is a great indication that your particular baby has already established enough milk and was latched on properly through the feeding. If your baby still seems hungry after an extended nursing session, or is fussy throughout the feeding, there may be problems with latching on that need to be addressed.

While there are many factors which can contribute, colic may be reduced or eliminated by proactive attention by the nursing mother. If you feel that your baby is not latching on properly and you need assistance with learning how to help your baby, there are numerous options available. Your pediatrician or your local La Leche league will be able to advise you regarding having the one-on-one coaching you will need.

If you express milk for later feedings, there are specialized bottles available that can reduce the amount of air your baby swallows during feedings. These specialized collapsible bottles possess a liner that contracts when your baby drinks - thus eliminating most air swallowing that could occur.

There are many kinds of bottles too, many of which have specialized nipples or some other features - try out these to see which your child prefers, and which can be best at decreasing the gassiness.